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Monday, November 14, 2011

My Passport to Self Discovery

Nivedita “Nivi” Raghunath, an Atlanta resident, is an engineer-scientist by day, a dreamer and writer by night and a doting mom for life. Nivi is also the CEO and Founder of Culture Kids, a place where culture lives and grows in the hearts of little bloomers and whose mission is to bring cultural diversity to children through fun and colorful media content and cultural events.  Check out what Nivi has to say about her passport to self-discovery:

Nearly 10 years ago, I left my home country, India, with a passport in hand, to set foot in the United States. A turning point in my life, it has shaped me into the person I am today. Last night I watched a movie that started this way (re-written in my words): “Sometimes you wonder why life is so random. Why you were born to your parents, why you were born in your country and city, and why you traveled many miles away from home to a random place on earth”. Some things have no answer.

....moving out of their nest changed my life forever. It was my passport to freedom, individuality, confidence, people skills and…self-discovery.  You can imagine my apprehension as I set foot in a land where I knew no one, a single suitcase in hand. I could not cook, I had never done my laundry and I hadn’t earned a single penny myself. I didn’t know what I wanted from life, but that hasn’t changed even today! But what did I have with me? The conviction in my strengths, that I was here to discover a new person in myself, to experience the excitement of a new place and culture, and the confidence to take on life’s challenges.

You can read more here.