I found out yesterday that The Passport Party Project has made it to the semi-finals for the 3rd Annual Classy Awards, the largest philanthropic awards ceremony in the country. #verycool The write up is here.
That means that from now until August 26, 2011, I should be in "campaign mode" so that I can get enough votes to possibly move on to the Top 10 finals. But for some reason, I'm hesitant. Mainly because the other 24 semi-finalists in my category (Most Successful Fundraiser by an Individual or Group) are causes that pertain to babies with hearing loss, curing cancer in kids, autism awareness, pedatric HIV/AIDS, etc. And as important as giving girls a world view is, I'm not sure a passport party holds the same kind of weight. #stillgivingthisthought
A really cool woman in my Facebook tribe suggested that I campaign just to bring awareness to The Passport Party Project, but I don't think that soliciting votes will do that. What it will do is bring awareness to the Classy Awards and I kinda think my time is better served doing things that can tangibly empower girls through travel.
In any event, if you would like to vote for The Passport Party Project, I would be honored to have your vote (click here to vote in the Most Successful Fundraiser category). If I move on in this process, it would be fantastic. If not, the party doesn't stop here.
Either way, I've got some parties to plan so let me get a move on. Thanks for listening. =D