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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

One Traveling Latina & Three Passports

This blog post is courtesy of travel blogger Ana Serafin of Traveling Latina, a young traveler that has traveled to all five continents and continues to expand her travel wish list every day.  Her Passport Party Project blog post is being featured on Hispanicize, the complete resource for Latino social media marketers and bloggers!  Wepa!

I woke up one morning and on a whim, I decided to look at my passports…all three of them. As I turned the pages, I remembered every single visit of every single corresponding stamp. My first stamp on my Venezuelan passport was to the United Kingdom and even though my home country passport is about 8 years expired, it had been renewed several times and pages had to be added. Nevertheless, my American passport is the passport that has opened the doors of the world for me. It is hard to believe that only 30% of Americans have a United States Passport.   
Read more here.